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Day level permalink May 20, 2003

Canada Sends Shock Wave with Mad Cow Case
Washington Post - Canada reported its first case of mad cow disease in a decade on Tuesday, a potentially devastating revelation for the country's huge beef industry just weeks after its economy was damaged by the SARS threat.
A cow in Alberta, Canada's top cattle-producing province, tested positive for brain-wasting bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease, in a test taken after it was slaughtered last winter, officials said.

Last winter?  Way to stay on top of this. What am I supposed to do, stop eating beef retroactivly?

3:02:18 PM  Item-level permalink    

Angry Palestinians Lash Out at Militants
Atlanta Journal Constitution, GA -Palestinian residents of a northern Gaza town demonstrated Tuesday after Israelis destroyed buildings and farms there in a five-day invasion, but in a rare twist, their wrath was directed at Palestinian militants for firing rockets from their property, not at the Israelis.

"They (the militants) claim they are heroes,'' said Mohammed Zaaneen, 30, a farmer, as he carried rocks into the street. "They brought us only destruction and made us homeless. They used our farms, our houses and our children ... to hide.''

Is every one called "Mohammed Zaaneen"?  That is the name of the 12-year-old boy, who had been shot in the head last week. 

2:25:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Beagle Makes Incredible, 800-Mile Journey
Kansas City Star, MO - Stray dogs show up all the time around Auburn University. They don't usually belong 800 miles away in Kansas.
But that was the case with Norman, a beagle who wandered off from his owner in Solomon, Kan., one day in March and showed up Friday outside an Auburn University computer repair shop.
1:46:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

Arab Pundits See Terror Attacks Aiding Sharon
Washington Post - The Arab English-language online media in the Middle East, the same group that defended Saddam, while almost universally condemning the recent murder/suicide attacks, evoke no sympathy for Israeli government.

"The Israelis must not be allowed to use the surge in violence to bolster their attempt to condition acceptance of the roadmap to the Palestinian Authority's progress in tackling militant groups. " - the editors of the Khaleej Times, a government-controlled Web site in the United Arab Emirates.

10:33:08 AM  Item-level permalink    

Intuit's Lesson for Microsoft and Hollywood
Business 2.0 - When customer backlash over its antipiracy technology hit the company's bottom line, Intuit did the right thing: It dropped the feature.
They put in this antipiracy technology, and instead of the anticipated increase in revenues, Intuit saw a $100 million drop.
9:47:20 AM  Item-level permalink    

Saudi Officials Brace for More Terror Attacks
Voice of America - Officials in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, are bracing for the possibility of more terror attacks like the suicide bombings last week that killed 34 people.
8:39:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

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