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Day level permalink May 19, 2003

MCI wins Iraq gig
The Register - MCI has won the gig to build Iraq's mobile phone network. The value of the contract is undisclosed.
12:14:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

Napster reborn! Roxio buys PressPlay
The Register - Roxio is to relaunch Napster, on the back of today's $39m cash and stock acquisition of PressPlay, the download music service, from Sony and Universal Music.
The company is the proud owner of the Napster name and P2P file trading technology, acquired for $5m last November. But from the sound of it, there won't be much in the way of file trading, legal or otherwise: Roxio is to use the Napster brand, overseeing an "enhanced" PressPlay technology platform.
10:58:27 AM  Item-level permalink    

China Web site operator sentenced for 'subversion'
MSNBC -  A Chinese computer engineer was sentenced to five years in prison for subversion after politically sensitive articles were posted on his Web site, a court official said Monday.
10:30:46 AM  Item-level permalink    

US arrests 130 in Net fraud crackdown
The Register - More than 130 people were arrested and $17 million in assets seized in a US crackdown in Internet fraud announced last Friday.
10:09:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

Sydney Morning Herald
Saudis Link 4 in Bombing Plot to Qaeda Cell
New York Times - Four suspects apparently linked to Al Qaeda have been arrested on suspicion of having advance knowledge of the three lethal bombings here last week, the Saudi interior minister said today, and three of the suicide bombers have been identified as members of a cell uncovered just days before the attacks.
8:51:38 AM  Item-level permalink    

The Matrix Reloaded zooms ahead
Rediff - The feverishly awaited thriller, The Matrix: Reloaded, made box office history this weekend for an R-rated movie, seizing $93.3 million during the three-day session and a mighty $135.8 million since its release late Wednesday night.
8:49:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

Worm Poses as Microsoft Message
PC World - A new mass mailing e-mail worm is spreading on the Internet, masking itself as a message from Microsoft's support organization.
8:45:05 AM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft to Buy Unix Technology From SCO Group
Smart Money - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) has agreed to buy rights to Unix technology from SCO Group Inc. (SCOX), a boost to SCO's controversial campaign to exact royalties for a predecessor to the Linux operating system, Monday's Wall Street Journal reported.
8:24:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

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