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Day level permalink May 24, 2003

How to Unclog the Information Artery
New York Times - THE libertarian roots of the Internet run deep. It was the place where innovation trumped experience, where the little guy had as big a megaphone as the largest network, where the small business could reach a global market, where the public could regulate far better than any government.
No one imagined that the megaphone would become so loud or that it would speak so often of penis enlargement pills and opportunities for unusual financial transactions in Nigeria.
As the quantity of spam rises to drown out other e-mail, the libertarian is being replaced by the draconian. Regulate it, ban it, censor it, tax it, the cries rise up. Do something, anything, to keep it out of my mailbox.
9:48:52 PM  Item-level permalink    

Deadly Accidents Put Damper on Holiday Travel
FOX News - Nebraska's Interstate 80, the nation's busiest highway and the major east-west corridor through the state, collapsed, causing Midwest travel to be tumultuous. The accident killed the driver and shut down a 10-mile stretch on the interstate.
In Maryland, a 90-car pileup killed two people on Friday, resulting in a 17 mile shutdown of Interstate 68. Fog and rain has hindered cleanup efforts, which prompted officials to acknowledge that the traffic problems will persist throughout the long Memorial Day weekend.
9:46:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

North Korea Warns of 'Military Counteraction'
Voice of America - North Korea has warned the United States of what it calls "military counteraction" if Washington decides to use force to resolve the dispute over North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
2:12:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

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