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Day level permalink May 7, 2003

Study: Altered virus kills brain tumors in mice
CNN - A cold virus genetically engineered to help it sneak into cancer cells can kill inoperable brain tumors in mice, U.S. scientists reported on Tuesday.
The effects were so stunning that the National Cancer Institute and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are rushing to test the approach in people with brain tumors.
11:19:28 AM  Item-level permalink    

Most Iraqi Treasures Are Said to Be Kept Safe - A top British Museum official said yesterday that his Iraqi counterparts told him they had largely emptied display cases at the National Museum in Baghdad months before the start of the Iraq war, storing many of the museum's most precious artifacts in secure "repositories."
9:35:30 AM  Item-level permalink    

What Some Much-Noted Data Really Showed About Vouchers
The NY Times - Mundane errors that skewed the results of a study on vouchers provide a cautionary tale for political leaders who want to draft public policy from supposedly scientific research. By Michael Winerip.
8:40:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

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