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Day level permalink May 23, 2003

Sky News, UK - US soldiers in Iraq have seized a truck loaded with what was believed to be 2,000 gold bars worth as much as $500m.
"The occupants told the soldiers that they had been paid a total of 350,000 Dinars ($350) to pick up the truck in Baghdad and drive it to an unnamed individual in Al Qaim," US Central Command said in a statement.

Is this a Three Kings remake?

12:37:16 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Matrix Reloaded Reviews and News, From Every Flipping Angle - The "Matrix Reloaded headquarters with multiple reviews and news of the new film covering a bewilderingly wide range of opinion and angle of observation."
10:10:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

Doctors say Hussein, not UN sanctions, caused children's deaths

Under the sanctions regime, "We had the ability to get all the drugs we needed," said Ibn Al-Baladi's chief resident, Dr. Hussein Shihab. "Instead of that, Saddam Hussein spent all the money on his military force and put all the fault on the USA. Yes, of course the sanctions hurt - but not too much, because we are a rich country and we have the ability to get everything we can by money. But instead, he spent it on his palaces."

9:14:16 AM  Item-level permalink    

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