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Day level permalink May 21, 2003

Vegetable Oil-Powered Bus Opens Road Trip
Atlanta Journal Constitution - A group of college students has set out on a post-finals cross-country road trip that is going to smell a lot like french fries.
But at least there won't be any squabbles over gas money: Their converted school bus is fueled by used vegetable oil from cafeterias and fast-food restaurants.
9:28:02 AM  Item-level permalink    

Mad Cow Case Raises Worries in United States
New York Times - The announcement made yesterday that a case of mad cow disease had been discovered in a dead cow in Alberta raised anxiety in the United States food industry, which buys about three-fourths of Canada's beef exports.
9:11:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

Risk to people from human mad cow 'infinitesimal'
Toronto Star, Canada - The story of mad cow disease is one that drives home a message many squeamish eaters would have known instinctively: eating brains can be a bad idea.
9:01:16 AM  Item-level permalink    

US Blocks Canadian Beef Due to Mad Cow
Newsday - Federal health officials are moving quickly to ensure the safety of the US food supply after the discovery of a Canadian cow with mad cow disease.
8:59:05 AM  Item-level permalink    

Site Seeks Matches for Politically Active
Kansas City Star, MO - The ad might read something like this: "Tall, blonde, `No Blood For Oil' activist seeks same. Let's have fair-trade coffee sometime."
Online personal ads such as this fictitious one are in the offing thanks to, a Web site matchmaking service launched Tuesday that looks to connect the hearts of progressive activists.
8:53:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

Saudis: Three arrested in hijack plot
CNN - Saudi security sources told CNN on Thursday that they have arrested three al Qaeda members, who were planning to hijack a passenger plane and crash it into a building in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The al Qaeda suspects were arrested Monday evening in the Jeddah airport before they boarded a Saudia flight to Sudan, sources said. Saudia is the country's national airline carrier.
The men had knives and last testaments, or wills, on them when they were arrested, the sources said.
8:24:44 AM  Item-level permalink    

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