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Day level permalink May 12, 2003

Micky Moore: Disney to finance new 911 Documentary
Drudge Report - The WALT DISNEY CO. is set to spend millions financing a new explosive Bush-bashing documentary from Michael Moore [BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE] -- a documentary which claims bin Laden was greatly enriched by the Bush family!
DISNEY, via subsidiary MIRAMAX, has agreed to cover the production costs, said to be in the millions, of Moore's planned FAHRENHEIT 911.

Gibson drops project, Miramax picks up 'Fahrenheit 911' - WorldNetDaily

12:02:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

 From DiscountBlogger:
ELSIE ON PRIDE PARADES: "Why are men dressed up as women on floats?" Elsie Wayne asked. "... We do not do that." - Conservative M.P., Elsie Wayne, House of Commons, May 8, 2003

Except, of course, on the cover of her biography.

Elsie Wayne - King of Drag.
8:50:59 AM  Item-level permalink    

Confessions of a Former Spammer
The Oregonian - You probably don't know Duncan Shiels, but if you have an e-mail account, he may have sent you personal advice. Very personal advice.

5:41:27 AM  Item-level permalink    

Mother's Day a letdown: study
National Post - Most mothers report feeling disappointment on Mother's Day, despite receiving more attention than fathers do on Father's Day, a new study has found.
5:26:32 AM  Item-level permalink    

Wife arrested in aroma assault
CNN - A woman was arrested for dousing herself with perfume, spraying the house with bug killer and disinfectant, and burning scented candles in an attempt to seriously injure her chemically sensitive husband, prosecutors said.
Police charged Lynda Taylor, 36, with aggravated battery Thursday.
5:07:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

SARS virus may mutate significantly, expert says
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, CA - So far, most of the world's 7,200 SARS cases and 536 deaths have been in Asia, with the vast majority in China and its territory of Hong Kong. The biggest outbreak outside Asia has been Canada's Toronto area, with 22 deaths, though the World Health Organization says the disease has been contained there.

"There may be pressure on the virus to change again. This is what we see in many other viruses," said Dr. Christian Drosten, a virologist at the Bernhard-Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, Germany.

5:03:21 AM  Item-level permalink    

Key developments on Iraq
Boston Globe - The leader of a prominent clan from near Saddam Hussein's birthplace turned over scores of weapons and explosives as a show of solidarity with American forces, the first head of an area tribe to voluntarily disarm his people at the request of the US Army.
4:58:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

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