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Day level permalink May 30, 2003

Microsoft's new Linux gambit
CNET - Microsoft is not telling corporate managers that the use of open-source applications might land them in hot water with patent attorneys. And Microsoft is not saying that the open-source development community is a hotbed of misappropriation of private property.
This is not because Microsoft disagrees with the above. But it's just so much easier to give the dirty work to SCO.
11:11:36 AM  Item-level permalink    

Night goggles to beat film piracy
BBC - A security firm is using metal detectors and night-screen goggles to search cinema-goers seeing Disney's latest animated movie release, Finding Nemo.
6:18:53 AM  Item-level permalink    

Court divided on posting DVD codes on Internet
San Jose Mercury News - The California Supreme Court appeared divided Thursday on whether courts can block computer users from posting on the Internet the computer codes to copy DVD movies.
6:17:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

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