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Day level permalink August 5, 2003

Comcast to extend 3mbps trials
CNET - The cable giant plans to expand consumer trials for a high-speed Internet service, the latest step in the Comcast's effort to double the speed of its standard cable-modem product.
7:54:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

SCO Sets Price For Linux Licenses
Information Week - Linux users can buy protection against a lawsuit for $699 until Oct. 15; then the price jumps. The SCO Group Inc. moved forward Tuesday with its plans to offer Linux users protection against a lawsuit by making available a license that gives them the rights to run the open-source operating system. The company is offering a SCO Intellectual Property License for Linux that permits the use of Linux without violating SCO Group's copyrighted Unix System V source code. SCO Group claims this code and derivative Unix code have been used without its permission to develop the Linux 2.4 and 2.5 kernels.
7:47:42 PM  Item-level permalink    

Found guilty of selling an adult comic, from the adult section of the store, to an adult police officer.

The U.S. Supreme Court has denied Keith's Comics clerk Jesus Castillo's petition for writ of certiorari, the end of the road for this case.  Castillo has paid a $4,000 fine and has begun serving a period of unsupervised probation. 
11:50:46 AM  Item-level permalink    

Glen Reynolds is curious about what is going on here:

The Treasury Department said yesterday that it would decline to provide the Senate with a list of Saudi individuals and organizations the federal government has investigated for possibly financing Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

The action was the second in two weeks to set the White House and Congress at odds about the Saudis and federal intelligence-gathering related to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Moreover, the move contradicted an assertion made on Thursday by a senior Treasury official, Richard Newcomb, who told the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee in a hearing on Saudi sponsorship of terrorism that the list was not classified and that his agency would turn it over to the Senate within 24 hours.

I still don't understand why the Democrats aren't making a bigger issue of this stuff.

8:28:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

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