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Day level permalink August 8, 2003

Postal Service Researches 'Smarter' Mail
PC World -  A presidential commission charged with studying ways to make the US Postal Service more efficient has recommended that the agency work with the Department of Homeland Security to develop sender identification technology for all US mail.
8:07:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Hate Your Hair? Blame Your Mother's Diet
ABC News -  In a study that shows more than ever you are what you eat, US scientists said on Friday they had changed the coat colors of baby mice simply by altering their mothers' diets.
8:04:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Court blocks some file-trading subpoenas
CNET - A Massachusetts court has blocked several record industry subpoenas aimed at college song-swappers, saying that the universities involved are not immediately required to divulge the alleged file traders' identities.
8:02:53 PM  Item-level permalink    

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