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Day level permalink August 22, 2003

Mark R. Levin, The Corner on National Review Online - It's time for Prime Minister Sharon to look President Bush in his eyes--leader to leader--and tell him that the lives of his citizens are every bit as precious as the lives of American citizens, and that the perpetuation of a double standard, where the U.S. practices preemption and Israel is forced to practice restraint, is no longer acceptable. It's time for Sharon to tell Bush that he, as President of the United States, wouldn't tolerate the almost daily massacre of American babies, and he won't tolerate the massacre of Jewish babies, either. They're all God's children....
2:06:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

ABC News
Pentagon: Soldiers Said Captured Are Safe
ABC News - A previously unknown Iraqi group obtained two US soldiers' identification cards and claimed to be holding them captive, but Pentagon officials said the soldiers were safe and had never been missing.
1:45:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Ex-judge accused in child porn case
CNN: Law - During an initial court appearance in federal court, Stephen Thompson, 57, a 14-year veteran of the New Jersey State Superior Court, was charged with possessing child pornography and transporting the images across state and country lines.

In a criminal complaint made public Thursday, the FBI said it discovered a safe in Thompson's New Jersey home containing 17 videotapes of hard-core pornography involving children as young as 10.

Authorities said they found a 40-minute videotape depicting Thompson engaging in sexual acts with a Russian teenager between 13 and 16 years of age.  According to the criminal complaint, the tape was shot last September in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

6:41:24 AM  Item-level permalink    

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