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Day level permalink August 9, 2003

Iraq 'supplied al-Qaeda with WMDs'
Herald Sun News - A HIGH-RANKING al-Qaeda operative in custody disclosed that Iraq supplied the Islamist militant group with material to build chemical and biological weapons, the White House said today.
"A senior al-Qaeda terrorist, now detained, who had been responsible for al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan, reports that al-Qaeda was intent on obtaining (weapons of mass destruction) assistance from Iraq," the White House said in a report.
The 25 page document was released as US President George W Bush holidayed at his Texas ranch.

7:10:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Boston archdiocese offers 55 million dollars to settle lawsuits
WXXA, NY - There's a 55 (m) million dollar offer on the table to settle clergy sex abuse lawsuits in Boston.
Sources familiar with the talks are confirming the settlement offer, which was spelled out in documents obtained by The Associated Press. It comes just a week after the installation of Archbishop Sean O'Malley to head the Boston Archdiocese.
1:39:00 PM  Item-level permalink    

Troops Nab Another Iraqi Main Player
FOX News -  Iraq Senior defense officials confirmed Saturday that former Iraqi Minister of Interior Mahmud al-Ahmad, listed as number 29 on the coalition's "Iraqi Top 55" most-wanted list, was in the custody of coalition forces.
1:33:48 PM  Item-level permalink    

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