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Day level permalink August 18, 2003

Trojan Horse Attacks GNU Project
PC World - Malicious code recently compromised the FTP server for the GNU Project, a developer site for many components in the open-source Linux operating system.
9:31:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Rolling Stones Offer Music Downloaders Legal Satisfaction Via Upload Of Over 500 Tracks
WGAL - At a time when online music downloading is a heated topic, the Rolling Stones surprised their fans Monday by making their music available on the Internet for the first time.
9:29:29 PM  Item-level permalink    

New Internet Worm Tries to Patch Windows Hole
Reuters - A new computer worm is spreading worldwide through a security hole in Windows -- also used by last week's Blaster worm -- but then patching the hole instead of crashing the system like Blaster does, security experts said on Monday.
The new worm, dubbed "Welchia" or "Nachi," is similar to Blaster, but it purports to patch the hole Blaster exploited to enter into computers in the first place and tries to clean up after Blaster if the computer is infected with it.
9:28:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

Updating Power Grid Won't Be Easy , Experts Say
Newsday - The nation's worst blackout is prompting demands to upgrade the country's power grid, but regional conflicts and fear about electricity deregulation could prevent quick action on improving an antiquated and fragile transmission system.
7:11:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

Arabic Televison Stations Airs Purported Tape of bin Laden Spokesman
Voice of America - An Arabic television station has broadcast an audio tape it says was made by a spokesman for the al-Qaida terror network, claiming Osama bin Laden is alive.
7:10:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

Worm fails to affect Microsoft site - As expected, Microsoft thwarted an attack on its Windows Update Web site set for midnight on Saturday by the MSBlast worm, which has infected hundreds of thousands of Windows computers.
7:08:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

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