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Day level permalink August 19, 2003

Suicide Bomber Kills 20 on Israeli Bus
Guardian, UK - A suicide bomber blew himself up Tuesday on a packed bus on a main thoroughfare in Jerusalem, killing at least 20 people and wounding 80, authorities said.

The Palestinian leadership has done less than nothing for the Roadmap.  If this happened in the USA, Bush would not be talking about a roadmap to peace, but rather a road map to war.

3:16:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

WTO talks go through motions
United Press International - Trade ministers from most of the World Trade Organization's 146 member countries prepare to gather in Cancun, Mexico on Sept. 10.

Also known as "Ministers Gone Wild!"

2:39:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Getting a glimpse at SCO's evidence
CNET - LAS VEGAS--When SCO Group first filed its lawsuit against IBM in March, critics characterized the move as the last gasp of an ailing company hoping to strike a series of lucrative licensing deals.
2:31:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

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