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Day level permalink August 12, 2003

`Worm' targets software flaw
San Jose Mercury News, CA -  A virus-like computer attack that began spreading across the Internet and crashing computer networks Monday is expected to infect hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide in coming days.

Unlike a virus, MSBlaster is considered a computer ``worm'' because it does not require computer users to open an e-mail attachment or take any other action to spread automatically from computer to computer. Home computer users who leave computers constantly online to the Internet through DSL or cable are among those most at risk.

2:30:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

'MSBlast' worm widespread but slowing
CNET - The MSBlast worm has infected as many as 100,000 computers in the past 24 hours, but the program's spread has slowed, said security researchers on Tuesday.

Symantec Security Response has developed a removal tool to clean infections of W32.Blaster.Worm. This is the easiest way to remove this threat and should be tried first.

1:14:48 PM  Item-level permalink    

List of Israeli-Palestinian Violence
The Hartford Courant - Since a June 29 cease-fire by Palestinian militants, seven people have been killed on the Israeli side and 15 palestinians -- including three suicide bombers, two in unexplained explosions, one shot by Israeli border police when he failed to stop at a road block and one shot by Palestinian militants who accused him of collaborating with Israel.
10:37:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

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