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Day level permalink August 21, 2003

US Military: Terrorism No. 1 Threat in Iraq
FOX News -  Terrorism is the biggest threat to Iraqis and coalition forces working to rebuild the country, particularly in regions where support for deposed leader Saddam Hussein was the strongest, US military officials said Thursday.

Now let us get across the message that it is the no. 1 threat in Israel as well.

4:40:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

Gazans denounce Abbas after Israeli missile strike
MSNBC - ''No to Abbas and no to his road map!'' they shouted, referring to the troubled plan intended to forge a Palestinian state in Israeli-occupied Gaza and West Bank territory by 2005.

Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

11:09:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

'Special Analysis: Who is Hanbali?' from Winds of Change.NET.
10:57:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

Sobig F computer worm attacking fast
Toronto Star, Canada - The Sobig computer worm that has clogged networks at businesses
including AOL Time Warner Inc. and Starbucks Corp. is spreading faster than expected, security-software companies say.

You can find a free Sobig removal tool here.

9:03:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

 CNN - "Chemical Ali," fifth on coalition most wanted Iraqis list, in U.S. custody, military officials say
8:38:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

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