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Day level permalink August 14, 2003

Canada Blames Power Outage on Lightning
ABC News - Canadian officials blamed a massive blackout Thursday across the Northeast and parts of Canada on a lightning strike at the Niagara power plant, but officials there denied it.

Actually, it now looks like a fire, possibly at a Pennsylvania power plant caused this.

9:36:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

Suspect in Indonesia Bombings Is Captured in Asia
New York Times - A top lieutenant of Osama bin Laden who the authorities said was the mastermind of the deadly Bali bombings in October 2002 and the attack last week on the JW Marriott hotel in Jakarta has been captured in Southeast Asia, a White House spokesman said today.
9:35:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

CNN - Senior Bush administration official says top al Qaeda planner in Southeast Asia captured.

2:07:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microbe Makes Hell Its Home
Reuters - A microbe that thrives in boiling water and "breathes" iron has stretched the limits of where scientists believed life could exist, according to a report published on Thursday.
2:06:55 PM  Item-level permalink    

Temperatures in Baghdad and points north are now soaring, and the Civilian Death Toll is rising.

The authorities have finally admitted to what many people - undertakers, families, even the police - have been saying all along : that their policies have caused a Humanitarian Catastrophe of unprecedented size.

Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people have died in the last few days in what is now officially described as an "epidemic", due to lack of proper facilities, facilities that should have been provided long ago. The civilian death rate in the Capital alone is comparable to the rate for the whole of Iraq during the period of "Major Combat Operations".

While continuing to deny responsibility, the authorities have finally taken emergency measures. They have admitted to covering up the scale of the disaster, even falsifying causes of death, and now grudgingly confirm that the sheer magnitude of the catastrophe "may surprise people".

From The Australian :

The French Government admitted today that a large number of people had died in the heatwave, but rejected claims that it was partly responsible.

"The (death) figures are high, perhaps even very high.... We can now talk about what happened as a true epidemic, with everything that means in terms of the number of victims," Health Minister Jean-Francois Mattei told France Inter radio.

He warned that the final total "may surprise people".

The acknowledgement followed comments from doctors, police and undertakers over the past days that the death toll numbered in the hundreds.

The Government, which has not given an official tally, has been accused of being poorly prepared to handle the crisis, slow to react once its seriousness became clear, and apt to qualify many of the heatwave deaths as deaths from natural causes.

Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin yesterday ordered regional authorities in and around Paris to activate an emergency plan normally reserved for epidemics, disasters or terrorist attacks.

But you knew this was in France, not Iraq, didn't you.

10:33:53 AM  Item-level permalink    

ATI wins bid for next Xbox
CNET - The chipmaker beats out rival Nvidia for the contract to supply graphics processors for the next version of Microsoft's Xbox game machine.
9:16:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

Don't ignore this Windows worm warning
Baltimore Sun - IF YOU RUN Windows 2000 or XP and you've been ignoring those messages that tell you Microsoft has an Windows Update available, it's time to pay attention.
9:12:31 AM  Item-level permalink    

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