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Day level permalink August 25, 2003

France: No proof Hamas and Islamic Jihad are terror groups
Jerusalem Post -
Diplomatic advisor to President Chirac, Maurice Gourdault-Montagne, is quoted to have said to the Israeli ambassador in France, Nissim Zvilli, that there is no proof that these two organizations are terror groups. "If we find that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are indeed terror groups opposed to peace, we may have to change the EU's stand," said Gourdault-Montagne. "However, we mustn't limit ourselves to one, clear cut, position."
10:05:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

'No More Mr Nice Guy,' Warns Eric S. Raymond
LinuxWorld - "The confrontation between SCO and the open-source community," Eric S. Raymond wrote at the weekend, "has now escalated to open war."
7:17:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

A sigh of relief as email virus fizzles out
Independent Online -  The fast-spreading Sobig.F email virus slowed on Sunday and failed for a second time to launch a remote data attack using thousands of infected personal computers, computer security experts said.
6:28:24 AM  Item-level permalink    

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