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Day level permalink August 26, 2003

Top 10 Dumbest CEO Decisions
The Motley Fool - Dumb like stinging deodorant... and 7-Eleven fishnet stockings.
1:06:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Couple Accused of Keeping Twins, 5, Caged
ABC News -  A couple were arrested on child abuse charges for allegedly keeping their 5-year-old twin sons locked in filthy makeshift cages for nearly 20 hours a day.
Police found the boys Saturday after an adult older brother told an off-duty officer at a grocery store about the squalid living conditions.
12:24:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Iran nukes still a concern - IAEA
CNN -  Inspectors have found traces of highly enriched uranium at an Iranian nuclear plant, but say they have not determined whether Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons, a spokesman for the UN nuclear agency said Tuesday.
11:43:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

WMDs in Lebanon?
Command-Post - U.S. intelligence suspects Iraq's weapons of mass destruction have finally been located.

Unfortunately, getting to them will be nearly impossible for the United States and its allies, because the containers with the strategic materials are not in Iraq.

Instead they are located in Lebanon's heavily-fortified Bekaa Valley, swarming with Iranian and Syrian forces, and Hizbullah and ex-Iraqi agents, will report in Wednesday's new weekly edition.

U.S. intelligence first identified a stream of tractor-trailer trucks moving from Iraq to Syria to Lebaon in January 2003. The significance of this sighting did not register on the CIA at the time.

UPDATE: Back on May 4th 2003 Syria is reported by DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s intelligence sources as having secretly disposed of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction by moving them into eastern Lebanon for burial in the Beqaa Valley.

11:22:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

DVD copying code not free speech, court rules
Internet Magazine - People who post 'cracks' of DVD copying software online may be barred from doing so without infringment on their right to freedom of speech, the California Supreme Court ruled on Monday as part of its long-running case between the DVD Copy Control
7:28:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

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