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Day level permalink July 31, 2003

Vatican drive to curb gay marriage
BBC - The Vatican has launched a global campaign against gay marriage in an attempt to reverse the spread of legislation in Europe and the Americas that permits it.

In a strongly-worded 12-page document signed by the Pope's chief theological adviser, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Church brands homosexual unions as immoral, unnatural and harmful.


I would like to see a strongly worded document signed by the Pope on priests that cover up child abuse and sexual harrasment.

Does anyone get that I don't want the POPE making government laws?  I didn't elect him to represent me and reverse the spread of legislation anywhere. 

2:54:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Farmers on Line
KSFY, SD - Nearly half of the two-million farms in the U.S. are connected to the Internet. That's more than triple the number in 1997. But the survey by the Agricultural Department also shows a slowdown in Internet use.
8:00:09 AM  Item-level permalink    

Web site tracks Net trysts
Edmonton Sun, Canada -  Suspicious husbands and wives who once might have hired a private eye to find out if their spouses were cheating are now using do-it-yourself technology to check on an increasingly popular hideaway for trysts - the Internet.

Divorce lawyers and marriage counsellors said Internet-abetted infidelity, romance originating in chat rooms and fuelled by e-mails, is now one of the leading factors in marital breakdowns.

Online Surveillance Among Spouses Grows - ABC News

7:58:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

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