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Day level permalink July 5, 2003

Suicide bombings rip through Russian rock concert, killing at least 14
Austin American Statesman - At least 14 people were killed and many more wounded when two suicide bombings shattered a warm, sunny day at an outdoor concert and brought the Chechen war to the Russian capital.
6:51:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

Torvalds on SCO Suit, Microsoft and his Exit from Transmeta
OS News - Linus Torvalds spoke candidly with Mercury News staff writer Dean Takahashi about the lawsuit from SCO Group versus IBM, on Microsoft and open source development.
6:49:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Judge may have to force open Windows
Guardian - In a report presented to US district judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, who presided over the settlement of the long-running Microsoft case, the US government says the court may have to force Microsoft to account for the delay in opening itself up.
6:47:55 PM  Item-level permalink    

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