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Day level permalink July 11, 2003

Instapundit points to an article by Federal appellate Judge Gilbert S. Merritt of Nashville.  He is in Iraq as one of 13 experts selected by the U.S. Justice Department to help rebuild Iraq's judicial system.

He seems to have found the proof that links Saddam, and Osama bin Laden.

What kind of proof?  Well the kind that convinces a Judge I suppose.

Why isn't this bigger news?  Put this and the centrifuge story together and you have a Clear and Present Danger. 

UPDATE: Another source that this newspaper existed.  This was published by Blogger Salam Pax - November 21, 2002

"BABIL, the newspaper which has Uday as chief editor, has been suspended. The paper published last Thursday a list of names of various officials and military people who might be interviewed by the inspection team. It was on the last page and made the paper sell like the hot cakes of Bab-al-agha. I have no idea where the walking-talking freak show got the names from but his papa is very upset about it."

Who else is talking about this?

UPDATE: I think we are going to see more "reports of it's existance" Here is a Washington Post article published November 25, 2002.
12:03:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

Hamas vows to kidnap Israeli troops if truce fails
MSNBC -  The Islamic militant group Hamas will start kidnapping Israeli soldiers to demand the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners if Israel does not free them under a three-month truce, a Hamas leader said on Friday.
10:47:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

Google cache raises copyright concerns. is fishing for controversy .. Issues with the Google Cache .. Stefanie Olsen writes

9:51:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

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