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Day level permalink July 26, 2003

Dershowitz Makes the Case for Israel
You've seen Alan Dershowitz defend O.J. Now see him defend Israel. The famous lawyer makes the case for the Holy Land.  A Jewsweek exclusive.

"... The accusations currently being made against Israel are so often shrill, uncompromising, one-sided, and exaggerated: 'Nazi-like,' 'genocidal,' 'the prime example of human rights violators in the world,' and so on ..."

"This book will prove not only that Israel is innocent of the charges being leveled against it but that no other nation in history faced with comparable challenges has ever adhered to a higher standard of human rights, been more sensitive to the safety of innocent civilians, tried harder to operate under the rule of law, or been willing to take more risks for peace. "

1:58:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

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