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Day level permalink July 12, 2003

What You Can Do in War on Spam
CBS News - Beware of telling spammers you'd like to "unsubscribe" from their list - you're only telling them they've reached a valid, potentially valuable e-mail address.
6:13:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

Researcher: Windows vulnerability remains
CNET - A class of attacks that allows a user to take control of any PC or server could leave computer systems in corporations and Internet cafes vulnerable to attack, a researcher says.
6:11:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israel might deport or arrest Arafat
Daily Times - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Saturday urged Europe to distance itself from Yasser Arafat, charging that the Palestinian leader is an obstacle to the peace process, as he prepared to make a trip to Europe beginning this weekend.
6:10:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

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