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Day level permalink July 2, 2003

US punishes foes in fight over world criminal court
The Globe and Mail, Canada - Washington The United States is suspending military aid to about 35 countries in a dispute over the new International Criminal Court.
5:52:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

Inmates get access to soft-core adult films
National Post Canada - Hundreds of sex offenders and other inmates at four major federal prisons now have regular access in their cells to soft-core pornography after the institutions switched from cable to satellite TV.
The Correctional Service of Canada is already looking at whether offenders should be exposed to sexually explicit material on their televisions, and some guards are convinced it could have a damaging effect on violent criminals.
2:07:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Vancouver win 'nerve racking,' Chretien says
CTV - Vancouver may have won its bid to host the 2010 Winter Games, but it wasn't the easy victory that had been predicted.
1:09:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

Wal-Mart announces plans to protect gay employees
Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN - Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the nation's largest private employer, has expanded its antidiscrimination policy to protect gay and lesbian employees.

The decision to include gay employees under rules that prohibit workplace discrimination was hailed by gay rights groups, already buoyed by a Supreme Court ruling last week that struck down a Texas sodomy law, as a sign of how far corporate America has come in accepting gay employees.

1:48:15 AM  Item-level permalink    

Navigating the legalities of downloading music
Detroit Free Press - You've got a few songs on your PC that you snagged off a CD you already own -- or a file-sharing service you tried on the Internet. Could you get sued?
1:38:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

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