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Day level permalink July 4, 2003

Barry White, Disco-Era Crooner, Dies at 58
New York Times - Barry White, whose deep voice and lushly orchestrated songs added up to soundtracks for seduction, died yesterday in Los Angeles. He was 58.
11:07:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Saddam 'alive in Iraq' urges attacks on US troops
Independent - A tape said to be of Saddam Hussein's voice was broadcast on AlJazeera TV today, on which he said that he is still in Iraq and vowed more attacks on Americans.
9:38:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

Experts dismiss threat of big hacker attack
National Post - Computer hackers' threat to deface thousands of Web sites and disrupt worldwide networks this weekend aren't likely to amount to much, industry experts said yesterday.
7:17:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

Laptop sales surpass desktops
San Jose Mercury News, CA - Sales of notebook computers at US retailers, measured in dollars, topped those of desktops in May for the first time, a market research company reported.
7:16:13 AM  Item-level permalink    

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