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Day level permalink July 14, 2003

Court may ban RIM from US, Canada - A US court could decide as early as this week whether to grant an injunction to stop the sale of Research In Motion Ltd.'s (RIM) popular BlackBerry e-mail device, a lawyer in the case said Friday.
10:18:29 PM  Item-level permalink    

'Return' Survey Riles Palestinians
CBS News -  A Palestinian political scientist who released a survey showing the "right of return" to Israel is not that important to most Palestinians was roughed up by an angry mob for releasing the poll's results.

10:10:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

Palestinians confirm no massacre in Jenin - study
Jerusalem Post - Palestinian sources are now saying that their death toll in the 2002 IDF incursion into Jenin, was 52, at least 34 of whom were armed, contradicting earlier Palestinian claims that thousands had died, a study to be released next month says.

"the research indicates the three groups (Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad) had created a joint bomb-making facility in (UN Controlled civilian refugee camp) Jenin that produced more than two tons of explosives. "

2:02:59 PM  Item-level permalink    

Interesting twist for gay couples thinking of getting married in Canada.  You may have the right to get married, but you might not have the right to get divorced.  In order to get divorced in Canada there is a residency requirement.  You must reside in Canada (seperate from one another) for one year.  So be sure, be very very sure....
10:47:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

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