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Day level permalink July 24, 2003

FBI, CIA Bungled Chances to Catch 2 Sept. 11 Hijackers, Report Says
Washington Post - The FBI and CIA bungled chances to capture two key figures in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and possibly stop the catastrophe before it happened, according to a joint investigation by the congressional select committees on intelligence.

This is the issue for Democrats in the next Presidential Election, NOT the WMD issue...

3:42:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

Voices of Iraq
Weekly Standard - MEMRI provides a glimpse into what the free Iraq press is saying about America and reconstruction.
3:07:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

Disney signs up to online film service
Guardian - Fans of Catherine Zeta-Jones's Oscar-wining performance in Chicago or Daniel Day Lewis's portrayal of Bill the Butcher in The Gangs of New York will soon be able to watch their favourite stars online after Walt Disney became the last big Hollywood studio to sign a deal with online film service Movielink.
10:00:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

Reported Sightings of Hussein Increase
Washington Post - US military and CIA officers in Iraq are receiving and trying to verify a significant increase in the number of Saddam Hussein sightings by Iraqi citizens, according to a senior administration decision maker.
9:58:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

Boston archdiocese `sacrificed the children': Report
Toronto Star -The number of sexual abuse victims in the Boston archdiocese over the past six decades "likely exceeds 1,000" and involves more than 250 clergy and other church workers, the attorney-general of Massachusetts concluded in a scathing report issued yesterday.
9:57:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

Makers Of File - Sharing Software Bolster Efforts To Mask Users ' Identities
Information Week - Vendors are rerouting connections through proxy servers and using firewalls and encryption to thrwart efforts by the recording industry to sue online music swappers.
4:56:13 AM  Item-level permalink    

Two new bugs in Windows software found
Techworld - Two security bugs in DirectX, a part of the Windows operating system that provides multimedia support, could allow an attacker to gain control over computers running it, according to Microsoft.
4:55:08 AM  Item-level permalink    

Linux in the News
LinuxWorld - "For several months, SCO has focused primarily on IBM's alleged Unix contract violations and misappropriation of Unix source code," but starting "Today, we're stating that the alleged actions of IBM and others have caused customers to use a tainted product at SCO's expense. With more than 2.4 million Linux servers running our software, and thousands more running Linux every day, we expect SCO to be compensated for the benefits realized by tens of thousands of customers."
4:54:19 AM  Item-level permalink    

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