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Day level permalink July 13, 2003

Diverse Group of Iraqis Declare Start of Governing Council
New York Times - Three months after the fall of Saddam Hussein, 25 prominent Iraqis from a variety of political, ethnic and religious backgrounds, stepped onto a stage here today and declared themselves the first interim government of Iraq.

From here forward, these 25 doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, clerics, diplomats, political activists, businessmen and a judge, will share responsibility for the course of postwar Iraq.

8:24:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

Judge Merritt must have ruffled some feathers with his dislosure about Osama and Saddam.

Coalition Provisional Authority, or CPA has said that Americans helping with the rebuilding effort must coordinate any communication with the media through them.

Basically a Gag Order... 

8:07:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

Human Shield Turned Cop Killer
Little Green Footballs -
One day you are a human shield in Israel, protesting with the terrorist for their right to murder civilians, and the next day you are cop killer.
Former student at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, the school that also gave us Rachel Corrie.
4:26:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

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