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Day level permalink July 8, 2003

Judge dismisses pot conviction

Not in Canada this time, but in the USA!

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, AK - A Fairbanks judge ruled the Alaska Constitution guarantees a local man the right to possess marijuana for personal use in his home


UPDATE: Link is dead, so go here.

4:57:17 PM  Item-level permalink    

Palestinian Leadership in Turmoil After Bombing
Reuters -  Mahmoud Abbas threatened to quit as Palestinian prime minister and offered to resign from a top Fatah body in a dispute with internal critics over peace moves with Israel, officials said on Tuesday.

Ya that will teach them a lesson! 

4:05:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Spike Lee: I didn't want to threaten Viacom's rights
Newsday -  Spike Lee no longer believes that Viacom deliberately intended to trade on his name by calling its own venture "Spike TV," according to a statement read in court Tuesday.

I offered them Buck TV, which I think sounds better, no reply.

3:29:16 PM  Item-level permalink    

Judge seeks help from pot advocates
San Francisco Chronicle - A San Jose federal judge, expressing sympathy for the suffering of terminally ill patients, asked medical marijuana advocates Monday for a legal "hook" to grant an injunction halting federal raids against a free Santa Cruz pot cooperative.
11:43:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

Palestinian Militants Claim Responsibility for Suicide Bombing
Voice of America - A faction of the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that killed an elderly Israeli woman Monday. But Islamic Jihad's spokesman in the Gaza Strip said his group is committed to honoring the ceasefire it agreed to two weeks ago.
11:31:59 AM  Item-level permalink    

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