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Day level permalink July 30, 2003

The NRO published the text of the speech House Majority Leader Tom DeLay delivered to the Israeli Knesset on July 30, 2003.

"All people who desire peace and freedom are therefore allies of the United States.
And included in that number are the Palestinian people who yearn for peace, who for too long have been used as pawns by their terrorist leadership.
Their plight is real: they have been oppressed and abused by a pernicious enemy.
But their enemy is not Israel, nor its people, nor its democratic government.
Their enemy is Yasser Arafat.
Their enemy is Hamas, Hezbollah, and the vast network of violent men who threaten this region like so many desert scorpions.
Leaders of these groups — "who sharpen their tongues like swords" — blame Israel for the blood they themselves draw and the squalor in which they themselves confine their people."

I will admit that I felt choked up on reading it.  I really felt that this guy gets it, and will make sure others in power get it.

His only error was here:

On June 24 of last year, President Bush spoke to the world and called on the "Palestinian people to elect new leadership, leaders not compromised by terror."

This they have done, and the world supports their decision.

In large part, then, the onus now shifts to the rest of the world, to take the ascension of Abu Mazen to its logical conclusion: Arafat must be isolated.

There was NO election, and the Palestinian People have not selected their leadership.   This very simple right eludes them to this day.


2:58:08 PM  Item-level permalink    

Canadian Journalist Was Probably Murdered, Says Iranian Vice President
Voice of America - Iran's Vice President says an Iranian-born Canadian journalist who died in Iranian custody earlier this month was probably murdered.
10:20:53 AM  Item-level permalink    

Gates open up at Stones show
Canoe News -  Thousands of excited music fans -- many who had been camping out for days -- began filtering through the gates into Downsview Park (in Toronto Canada) on Wednesday morning to settle in for the massive Rolling Stones concert for SARS relief.


I forget that Canoe drops it's links in 24 hours.

Here is another link to the story: Thousands rush in as gates open -

8:37:31 AM  Item-level permalink    

EFF gives swappers 'heads up' on subpoenas
MacWorld - Internet file swappers worried about being sued by the Recording Industry Association of America Inc. (RIAA) can now find out whether the industry association has their number -- their IP (Internet Protocol) number, that is.

8:34:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

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