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Day level permalink June 30, 2003

U.S. Adviser Puts Pressure on Israel Over Fence
Reuters - The fence is being built with ditches, electronic surveillance equipment and patrol roads. It roughly follows the edge of the West Bank, seized by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war, but cuts into Palestinian territory at some points.

Israel says the fence is needed to protect it against Palestinian militants who have carried out suicide bombings in a 33-month-old uprising for an independent state and has ignored previous calls to halt its construction.
Palestinians say the fence determines the political borders of a future Palestinian state and places Palestinian water resources and fertile land under Israeli control.

Which border of a future Palestinian State are they referrring to?  Maybe this one? 

12:23:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

Mideast reaches tentative cease-fire
Arizona Republic - Three major Palestinian groups declared a temporary cease-fire Sunday after 33 months of violence, and Israel pulled out of part of the Gaza Strip - tentative but tenuous breakthroughs in the US-backed bid for peace.
4:41:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

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