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Day level permalink June 23, 2003

Introducing Windows Mobile - Improved operating system replaces Pocket PC 2002
MSNBC - June 23 2003 is half over, which means anything in computing still named 2002 is extremely dated. It's no surprise, then, that the people at Microsoft have been updating their handheld computer operating system, at least in part to remove 2002 from its product’s name.
12:22:17 PM  Item-level permalink    

Pamela Anderson's Anime Alter Ego: 'Stripperella'
- Former "Baywatch" beauty Pamela Anderson is making her animation debut as a superhero who dances in a strip club, but she demanded and received a no-nudity clause for her cartoon alter ego.
As a result, the upcoming cable series "Stripperella" features lots of cartoon cleavage and sexual innuendo -- she is after all "Secret Agent 69" -- but Anderson insists the show could be rated PG.

11:22:39 AM  Item-level permalink    

Supreme Court Upholds Internet Filters
Washington Post - The US Supreme Court today upheld a law that requires public schools and libraries to put anti-pornography Internet filters on their computers, or lose federal funding.
11:06:52 AM  Item-level permalink    

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