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Day level permalink June 21, 2003

Take the pressure off the daily brush-up
The Age - The news that brushing too hard can damage teeth and gums will alarm anyone taught that a vigorous, twice-daily scrub is mandatory for dental health. But it has come as no surprise to Britain's dentists.
5:34:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli Troops Kill West Bank Hamas Leader
Voice of America -Israeli security officials say army units have killed a top leader of the Islamic militant group, Hamas, in a raid in the West Bank city of Hebron.
The officials say Abdullah Qawasmeh was shot as soldiers tried to arrest him Saturday. Israeli officials linked Mr. Qawasmeh to the series of suicide bombings carried out by Hamas.

One less Enemy of Peace.

5:14:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

US Intelligence Analysts Believe Saddam Hussein is Alive
Voice of America - The New York Times newspaper reported this week that US intelligence analysts believe Saddam Hussein is still alive and hiding somewhere in Iraq. The White House says it simply doesn't know, but US forces on the ground in Iraq are intensifying their search for the deposed Iraqi leader, his two sons and their close associates. The fate and whereabouts of Saddam Hussein is very much on the minds of many Iraqis.
5:12:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Iraq, Israel Dominate Debate at Meeting
Kansas City Star - The US-led war that toppled Saddam Hussein forced Iraq's neighbors to contemplate their weaknesses and lack of democracy, Arab leaders said Saturday in a debate that revealed fears about what Washington might have in store next for the region.
Iraq was among the main themes at the World Economic Forum, held for the first time in the Middle East, which joins influential CEOs and entrepreneurs with politicians to discuss global issues.
5:07:52 PM  Item-level permalink    

Top Artists Balking At A La Carte Downloads
Billboard - Despite the major labels' success in clearing hundreds of thousands of tracks for purchase online through services like Apple's iTunes Music Store, some top artists continue to resist authorizing the dismantling of their albums for Internet consumption as a la carte singles.
Some acts are requiring that their music be sold exclusively in album bundles. For example, Linkin Park recently pulled its music as a singles offering from digital services. Sources say the band has expressed concerns about undercutting album sales. Other acts with similar stipulations about their work include Radiohead, Madonna, Jewel and Green Day, sources say.
6:58:26 AM  Item-level permalink    

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