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Day level permalink June 10, 2003

Canada Court Redefines Marriage to Include Gays
How Appealing - Reuters has this report. And you can access today's ruling of the Court of Appeal for Ontario at this link.

As if you didn't know this was coming right after the decriminalization of marijuana, heh.

2:19:55 PM  Item-level permalink    

BugBear learns new tricks, targets financial institutions - A new wrinkle has been found in the resurgent BugBear worm, which began showing up on desktop PCs around the world last week in a new and improved version.
Researchers at Symantec Corp. of Cupertino, Calif., said the new worm, W32Bugbear.B, appears to be targeting financial institutions. If it finds itself ensconced inside a bank’s IT system, it e-mails home and sends a log file of captured keystrokes.

Symantec Security Response has also posted a tool to remove infections caused by W32.Bugbear.B@mm.

11:24:32 AM  Item-level permalink    

On Slashdot:   The UK Civil Aviation Authority has done some research which shows mobiles on planes do disrupt safety systems and interfere with compass readings and other navigation equipment. Also reported by the BBC.
9:21:48 AM  Item-level permalink    

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