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Day level permalink June 25, 2003

Microsoft creates team to fight spam
The Capital Times, WI - A week after filing 15 lawsuits against alleged junk e-mailers, Microsoft Corp. said it has created a specialized group of researchers and programmers to develop new technological tools to fight spam.
In an e-mail sent to Microsoft customers and partners, chairman Bill Gates outlined the company's strategy of lawsuits, technology and legislation for fighting spam, which has even been landing in his own e-mailbox.
2:16:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Employee Busted for Fraud
PCWORLD - A former Microsoft employee was arrested Monday for allegedly ordering software using Microsoft's internal purchasing system and selling it for personal gain.

Richard Gregg, 43, of Bellevue, Washington, is accused of ordering software worth $17 million and selling it or otherwise disposing of it and keeping the proceeds, instead of using the software for business purposes, the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington said in a statement.

1:56:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Fed Cuts Key Rate by a Quarter Point
AP - The Federal Reserve cut a key short-term interest rate Wednesday by one-quarter percentage point to its lowest level in 45 years. The aim is to energize consumer spending and business investment and help the economy snap out of a funk.
1:49:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

Laws needed to protect Web privacy, survey says
Austin American Statesman - American consumers fundamentally misunderstand how Internet companies use their personal information, according to a new survey that concludes tougher federal privacy laws are needed.
The study from the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, being released today, said 86 percent of 1,200 surveyed adults think companies should be required by law to standardize the promises they make on Web sites about how personal information will be protected.
8:24:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

Dell, AT&T tout wireless Net access
CNET -Dell Computer customers will be able to connect to the Internet through AT&T's cellular networks under a new agreement between the two companies.
4:36:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

Toronto is ready to party
Toronto Sun - Goodbye Pope-stock, hello Stones-stock. The Rolling Stones will headline a massive nine-hour SARS benefit concert on Wednesday, July 30 at Downsview Park, the same site where the Pope held mass for 800000 people last year.
4:33:54 AM  Item-level permalink    

Gates roasts spam
CNET - Microsoft ratcheted up the rhetoric in its war on spam Tuesday, with Chairman Bill Gates calling for government and corporate cooperation to stem the tide of junk e-mail.
4:32:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

Saddam's top aide got Belarus passports: US
Toronto Star -The senior lieutenant to Saddam Hussein who was detained in Iraq last week obtained passports from Belarus for himself and others, possibly including Saddam's sons, two US government officials said yesterday.
4:31:43 AM  Item-level permalink    

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