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Day level permalink June 17, 2003

Ottawa allows gay marriages - The federal government will re-write the traditional definition of marriage to allow for same-sex matrimony, Prime Minister Jean Chretien said (today).
Canada will become just the third country in the world after Belgium and the Netherlands to allow for gay weddings.
11:09:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Sues to Stem Flood of E-Mail Spam
Reuters - Microsoft Corp. said on Tuesday it had filed lawsuits against those it claimed were responsible for flooding its MSN Internet service with more than 2 billion unsolicited e-mail messages and vowed to step up its campaign against spam in the courts.
The world's largest software company said it had filed 15 lawsuits in the United States and the United Kingdom against spammers that had sent unsolicited e-mail touting everything from get-rich-quick schemes to pornographic Web sites.
11:03:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

Tucson citizen
Bishop Is Questioned On His Use Of Alcohol
Washington Post - Law enforcement officials said today that they are investigating whether Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien was impaired by alcohol last Saturday night when he allegedly struck and killed a jaywalker while driving home from church services and then failed to report the accident to police.
11:01:21 PM  Item-level permalink    

IBM responds to SCO: IBM's Unix license is irrevocable, perpetual and fully paid up. It cannot be terminated.


9:43:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

The same Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien that has acknowledged that he covered up allegations of sexual abuse by priests for decades has now been arrested in connection with a fatal hit-and-run accident in Phoenix.
8:47:32 AM  Item-level permalink    

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