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Day level permalink June 8, 2003

Feds escape Bugbear bite - The variant of the Bugbear computer worm that started to spread throughout the Internet on June 5 doesn't appear to have adversely impacted federal agencies, according to initial reports from cybersecurity experts.
9:07:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

'Internet 2' Could Stream Complete Movie in 5 Seconds - Coming soon to a desktop near you an entire full-length movie, downloaded onto your computer in about five seconds. Sound impossible? Researchers at the California Institute of Technology don't think so.
9:06:30 PM  Item-level permalink    

Analysts claim code they saw strengthens SCO's claims
The Age - Analysts from the Aberdeen Group and the Yankee Group, who have taken advantage of the SCO Group's offer to view what SCO claims is code stolen from Unix and used in the Linux kernel, say the evidence supports SCO's case.
9:00:30 PM  Item-level permalink    

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