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Day level permalink June 11, 2003

Toronto doctors baffled how SARS infected US man
Reuters AlertNet - TORONTO, June 11 (Reuters) - Toronto doctors said on Wednesday they were mystified by how the SARS virus spreads after a U.S. man caught it while visiting a ward in a Toronto geriatric hospital thought to be free of the deadly illness.

Infection-control specialists said the baffling transmission could be the first of its kind in Toronto. And after teams here battled SARS for three months, the outbreak also heightens fear and confusion as they probe 12 new possible SARS cases just east of the city.
2:53:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bus blows up in central Jerusalem
MSNBC - A suspected suicide bomber blew up a bus in Jerusalem killing at least 13 people on Wednesday, a day after Israel tried to kill a leader of the militant Islamic group Hamas.
Medical officials said at least 13 people were killed and 65 injured in the early evening blast.

10:40:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

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