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Day level permalink June 18, 2003

NBC: Saddam's security chief captured
MSNBC -  U.S. forces have captured Saddam Hussein’s presidential secretary, U.S. Central Command announced Wednesday. Shown as the ace of diamonds in the deck of “most wanted” cards issued by the Pentagon, Gen. Abid Hamid Mahmud al-Tikriti is the most senior former Saddam official captured so far.
1:36:32 PM  Item-level permalink    

HBO Puts out a Contract on 'Sopranos' Season Six -  HBO apparently made David Chase an offer he couldn't refuse. Chase, the creator of "The Sopranos," long insisted that the mob series' fifth season would be its last. In recent months, though, the producer has been reconsidering and on Tuesday (June 18), HBO announced that the show's body count will continue to rise for one more season.
12:22:13 PM  Item-level permalink    

Judge resigns over ' terrorist ' remark
CNN - A judge who admitted asking an Arab-American woman if she was a terrorist when she went to court last month to fight a parking ticket has stepped down.
Village Justice William Crosbie, 79, resigned in a letter Monday to the mayor. The incident led the woman to file a complaint with the state Commission on Judicial Conduct.
12:19:29 PM  Item-level permalink    

Hatch Takes Aim at Illegal Downloading
Washingtonpost - The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday he favors developing new technology to remotely destroy the computers of people who illegally download music from the Internet.
11:50:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

I am trying to understand the French Government.  They seem to be hell bent on backing the wrong horse again.  First they support Saddam Hussien and now they seem to be backing the Iranian Mad Mullas'.  Could this be all about OIL?

French Police Detain Iranians in Paris
Guardian, UK - More than 1,000 French police raided the offices of an Iranian opposition group in the Paris region on Tuesday, detaining more than 150 people and seizing $1.3 million in American currency, officials said.

9:31:21 AM  Item-level permalink    

MSN Messenger 6 looks for emotion
InfoWorld -
Is there an emoticon to express your sentiment at the unveiling of a new version of an instant messaging product?
If none pop to mind, check again. With the launch of the public preview of MSN Messenger Version 6, Microsoft on Wednesday also introduced 30 new emoticons, including animated ones. Users can also turn any image file into an emoticon with the new MSN Messenger version. An icon expressing ecstasy -- or total indifference -- is bound to be available, or can be created.
9:15:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

Cosmetics Heir Found
ABC News - Fugitive Max Factor cosmetics heir Andrew Luster is being held in Mexico, ABCNEWS has learned, ending a worldwide hunt that began when the 39-year-old convicted rapist jumped bail and fled during his trial in January.
9:07:22 AM  Item-level permalink    

This is NOT good news.

Hussein loyalists, Islamists unite
Hartford Courant -  American officers waging a major counterinsurgency campaign in Iraq say that the murky identity of their attackers is slowly coming into focus, and what they see is troubling.

9:05:48 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israel Hunts for Killers of 7-Year-Old Jewish Girl
Voice of America - The Israeli army has launched a search to find the assailants who shot and killed a seven-year-old Israeli girl and wounded her five-year-old sister in an attack late Tuesday in central Israel.
8:42:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

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