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Day level permalink June 20, 2003

US brands Hamas 'the enemy of peace'
Financial Times - Colin Powell, US secretary of state, on Friday appeared to be losing patience with Palestinian efforts to push militants towards a ceasefire as he condemned Hamas as "the enemy of the peace".

I would have liked "Newest Member of the Axis of Evil" (to replace Iraq).  However this will do for now.

2:58:21 PM  Item-level permalink    

"Gay wedding decision puts heat on U.S.; American homosexuals head north, since no state will marry them"How Appealing - "Gay wedding decision puts heat on U.S.; American homosexuals head north, since no state will marry them": Today's edition of The Ottawa Citizen contains this article.
10:26:02 AM  Item-level permalink    

RIAA warns individual song-swappers
ZDnet - The recording industry body said it has sent warning letters to several users it accuses of pirating music via peer-to-peer networks, after forcing ISPs to reveal their personal details
7:38:43 AM  Item-level permalink    

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