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Day level permalink June 7, 2003

Palestinian factions mull truce
BBC -Representatives of all the main Palestinian political factions are expected to meet in Gaza on Saturday evening to discuss their response to the new Middle East peace plan.
1:19:51 PM  Item-level permalink    

Ontario 'cautiously optimistic' about relief funds
National Post - Tony Clement, Ontario's Minister of Health, said yesterday the federal government appeared to be making excuses so it could renege on its promise to help cover the cost of the SARS crisis.
12:33:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

Court ruling weakens privacy of e-mail
The Globe and Mail - A court case in New Brunswick has prompted legal experts to warn that e-mail accounts are not nearly as private as many people believe.
5:06:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

Hamas to boycott Palestinian PM Abbas until he abandons Aqaba pledges
Channel News Asia - Palestinian militant group Hamas vowed on Saturday to boycott Palestinian prime minister Mahmoud Abbas unless he renounced his pledges to Israel and the United States made this week at the Jordan peace summit.
5:05:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

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