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Day level permalink June 13, 2003

Guilty plea in medical fraud - - 12 patients die
San Francisco Chronicle - A Menlo Park maker of medical devices hid the fact that its product had malfunctioned thousands of times and that 12 people had died during or after its implantation, a senior company official admitted in San Francisco federal court Thursday.
6:32:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

Is SCO Bluffing ?
Information Week - One hundred days after filing its lawsuit against IBM, the SCO Group Inc. says it's prepared Friday to take action against IBM for allegedly violating its Unix licensing contract by allegedly feeding Unix source code to the Linux community. If SCO Group can enforce its case against IBM—SCO says it has the right to revoke all AIX licenses—it may then turn its attention to other areas of the Linux market, including leading Linux distributor Red Hat Inc.
6:30:36 AM  Item-level permalink    

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