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Day level permalink June 19, 2003

Church Sex Abuse Study to Proceed
Washington Post -  Roman Catholic bishops from California and several other states agreed today to provide information on the extent of child sexual abuse in the church after researchers promised to make "purely technical" changes in the way the data are collected, organizers of the study said.
11:23:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

Instapundit has the links to follow up on ORIN HATCH:

WHY DOES ORRIN HATCH WANT TO BLOW UP YOUR COMPUTER? Juan Paxety has looked at the campaign contribution listings and says it's pretty obvious -- he's being paid to.

No word about the charges of Hatch's own copyright violations. 

2:28:01 PM  Item-level permalink    

Andrew Sullivan gets the best email. He doesn’t give out the email addresses or names of the people who write him, but he does publish the more literate entries.

Here is one that I would like to reply to:
You may find it strange that some Christians actually take the Bible seriously, but we do.
( I ) simply don't want the government to promote or endorse homosexuality as the moral equivalent to heterosexuality.

Read the whole letter, I have only pulled two of the sentances here.

My reply is simple, you need to read the following line over and over again.  You will not find it in the bible, but it goes something like this: "All men are created equal".  You may find it strange but some people take that seriously.  The Government needs to take it seriously (the Canadians are) and realize that civil marriages are to be open to all unions of two consenting adults.  Your church need not comply, but the government, for the people, and by the people needs to comply.

12:17:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Handspring Treo 600.
Handspring's Gorgeous New Phone
New York Times - The twisted history of Palm Computing just keeps getting more twisted. The latest news is that Palm and Handspring have agreed to merge. PalmPilot creator Jeff Hawkins -- who left Palm three years ago in a fit of corporate frustration, and founded rival Handspring -- will return to Palm as chief technical officer. The only detail left is naming the combined company. (And no, it won’t be called PalmSprings.)

11:13:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

Successful Hunt
ABC News - Bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman and his team were arrested along with their target, fugitive Andrew Luster, in Mexico Wednesday.
11:03:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

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