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Day level permalink June 3, 2003

From Litle Green Footballs:

A mass grave found near Kirkuk in northern Iraq contains the remains of 200 Kurdish children. (Hat tip: MikeO.)

The Kurdish newspaper Taakhi said the communal grave was found close to Debs, in Kirkuk, on May 30.

The paper said the remains of the child victims were the repression of the Kurdish uprising in 1991.

It said dolls were even found buried with the children.

UPDATE: It seems the children might have been buried alive.

2:29:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Phx. bishop admits he covered up abuse cases
Tucson citizen - Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien has acknowledged that he covered up allegations of sexual abuse by priests for decades and will relinquish some of his power as head of the Phoenix Diocese to avoid possible criminal indictment.
12:01:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

Security firms warn over new Sobig worm
Electric News Net - A new incarnation of the so-called Sobig virus began spreading rapidly over the weekend, prompting e-security firms to issue warnings.
6:42:01 AM  Item-level permalink    

Release candidate of Exchange 2003 released
ComputerWorld - Customers anxious to get their hands on the final version of Exchange Server 2003 shouldn't have to wait too much longer.
6:41:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

SEC begins investigating IBM's revenue claims
San Jose Mercury News - The Securities and Exchange Commission has opened an investigation to determine whether IBM Corp. improperly recorded revenue in 2000 and 2001, the world's biggest computer company disclosed Monday.
6:40:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

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