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Day level permalink June 6, 2003

Iraqi nuke site was close to making bomb
Kansas City Star - Tuwaitha was once the heart of Saddam Hussein's nuclear weapons program, which was close to developing an atomic bomb before the 1991 Gulf War. The program was discovered by IAEA experts, who destroyed equipment and materials and sealed ingredients that could be used for a future program.
10:06:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

Verizon to Name Names Will reveal identities of file traders
BroadBandReports - The legal wheels have stopped turning in the case of the RIAA versus Verizon, and the telco will likely reveal the names of accused file traders within days, opening them to prosecution by the RIAA. The RIAA has been using the DMCA to force Verizon to reveal the identities of heavy file traders on the company's DSL network. After an appellate panel denied the company's request for a delay, the telco announced they had no other choice but to reveal the names. Read more at, Internet News, CNet, and Wired.
1:52:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Judge: Woman Can't Wear Veil in ID Photo
Miami Herald, FL -A Florida judge ruled Friday that a Muslim woman cannot wear a veil in her driver's license photo.
Prosecutors had argued that allowing people to cover all but their eyes in their ID pictures could allow potential terrorists to hide their identities.
After hearing three days of testimony last week, Circuit Judge Janet C. Thorpe ruled that the state has a compelling interest in protecting the public, and that having photo identification was essential to that interest.
1:23:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

Hamas ending cease-fire talks with Palestinian PM
CNN -  The Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist group Hamas said Friday it was ending talks with Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas on a possible cease-fire with Israel.
1:14:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

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