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Day level permalink July 18, 2003

Iran leader denies profiteering
BBC - Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has denied rumours his office receives a percentage of profits from all cars sold in the country.
Ayatollah Khamenei's decision to take the unusual step of denying he receives any illegitimate payments shows he is very sensitive about rumours of corruption.
1:48:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

AOL unloads its CD division
CNET - AOL Time Warner will sell its DVD- and CD-manufacturing operations to Canada's Cinram International for $1.05 billion in its latest attempt to whittle down its massive debt.
12:05:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

SARS not found in 12 quarantined at air base
CNN -  Preliminary tests show that none of 12 people quarantined with symptoms of SARS at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas, have the respiratory disease, the Air Force announced Thursday.
11:56:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli police arrest two settlers, including father of baby killed by Palestinian sniper
San Francisco Chronicle - Israeli security forces have arrested two Jewish settlers, including the father of a baby shot dead by a Palestinian sniper, Israeli media and a settlers' spokesman said Friday.
11:54:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

Internet Security Experts Escalate Warnings
Washington Post - Cybersecurity experts went on high alert today, warning that portions of the Internet could be crippled in the coming days as hackers actively exploit a security hole in a widely used class of computer hardware.
11:53:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

Silicon Insiders Yahoo!'s Back!
… and better than ever. In a miracle of good management, good marketing and good products, Yahoo! has become one of the most exciting companies in American industry.  [ ]

9:35:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

Found Body Could Be British Adviser
ABC News - A body found in central England matches the description of a missing Ministry of Defense adviser who had become embroiled in a controversy over the government's intelligence dossiers on Iraqi arms, police said Friday.

"The body found matches the description of David Kelly, but the body has not yet been formally identified," a spokeswoman for Thames Valley Police said

9:27:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

Palestinian intellectuals feeling pressured to toe the line
San Francisco Chronicle - Ramallah, West Bank -- The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research is usually a quiet place dedicated to academic analysis and learned discussion, but a riot broke out at the sleepy think tank this week.
9:06:05 AM  Item-level permalink    

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