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Day level permalink July 16, 2003

Massachusetts Won't Cry Uncle
Microsoft Watch - Mass. Attorney General Tom Reilly seemingly isn't interested in settling the ongoing Department of Justice/state antitrust trial with Microsoft.
12:58:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

Little Green Footballs - Scott at Power Line is working on an exclusive report about Yasser Arafat’s involvement in the murder of US ambassador to Sudan Cleo Noel in 1973, and the State Department’s cover up of the events; he used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain previously classified documents. This promises to be a big blogosphere scoop: Yasser Arafat and his State Department flack
8:45:15 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli troops rescue taxi driver
Boston Globe -  In a dramatic rescue late yesterday, Israeli commandos stormed a house in the West Bank where Palestinians had been holding an abducted taxi driver since Friday and freed him without harm, officials said.
8:25:17 AM  Item-level permalink    

USA Today
Roseanne's new reality show is too much to stomach
Salt Lake Tribune -There was a time when "Roseanne," starring the loud and crass Roseanne Barr, was one of the funniest sitcoms on television.
8:19:48 AM  Item-level permalink    

Ex-worker admits guilt in Microsoft theft case
Seattle Times - A third Microsoft employee charged with stealing software from the company pleaded guilty yesterday to felony mail fraud.
8:18:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

AOL kills Netscape
The Register - The party's over - but who's to blame?

On the other hand,  AOL announced financial and logistical support for the newly-hatched Mozilla Foundation.

8:05:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

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