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Day level permalink July 15, 2003

Journalists Veer Off 'Road Map,' Crash Into Cease-Fire
CAMERA.ORG - It seems that some members of the media are having a tough time differentiating the terms of the American brokered “road map” from Palestinian unilateral demands on Israel. Namely, while Palestinians have conditioned their cease-fire on the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons (among other demands), the “road map” plan, drawn up by the United States, European Union, Russia, and the United Nations, has nothing at all to say about Palestinian prisoners.  Even so, as a goodwill gesture, Israel has agreed to the release of hundreds of prisoners. Yet, some journalists are painting Israel as the spoiler of peace prospects by supposedly not fulfilling the terms of the plan.
2:28:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Suspect in '00 blasts escapes
Boston Globe - An Indonesian man who allegedly confessed to playing a role in the Manila bombings in 2000 that killed 22 people escaped from jail early yesterday with two suspected Muslim extremists, police said.
8:44:46 AM  Item-level permalink    

RIAA threat may be slowing file swapping
CNet - The record industry's plan to sue individuals who trade songs online has caused a 15 percent drop in the use of file-swapping applications, according to one Internet ratings service.
8:31:46 AM  Item-level permalink    

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