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Day level permalink August 20, 2003

Most heart attacks caused by unhealthy lifestyle, studies say
USA Today - Two sweeping studies out today may explode the long-held myth that half of heart attacks result from bad genes or bad luck.

Bad luck?    The long held belief was that heart attacks are caused by bad luck?

4:37:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

UN Building Bombed, reaction from IRAQ
Chief Wiggles reports from the scene in Iraq.

"...these acts of terrorism hardly causing us to skip a beat in the process of reconstruction. Our resolve is firm and commitment in tack, for we will succeed and be victorious.

People that will do such things are blinded by their own relentless hatred that they cannot even see the good that is being done over here.

Maybe our efforts for the most part are going unnoticed: the schools and hospitals that have been opened, the playgrounds and housing projects that have been started, and the many jobs that have been created. Where is all the talk about the thousands of good things that have been done? Why is the media not assisting to promote the word that many great things are occurring day after day? Where is the truth in reporting that makes good news as sellable as bad news?"

3:34:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

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